The Beginning . . .

I am not really sure where to begin or even how. . . I love music.  I guess it really doesn’t matter what decade you choose, I can tell you a song that I love.  Music, to me, really doesn’t matter the musically composition, the lyrical prose or the voice of the singer.  It’s the emotion, feeling that it invokes when I hear the song.  Think about the traditional songs of the holidays.  “Hark the Herald Angels” and “The Little Drummer Boy” conger up the feelings of Christmas time and the joy of the season.  The television show, Glee, has also harassed the idea of using music to teach a lesson or discover ourselves in music.  I guess I am jumping on the bandwagon. . . .

I live everyday listening and talking about music.  I know that I am not the only one out here living life like this.   So I have decided to express to the world my love of music, but where do I begin.  I guess in the beginning . . .

My memories are that music was always around.  Not like the families that played music or sang together.  I just remember music and songs.  I am not sure how it happened, but by the second grade I was completely fascinated with the band KISS.  I was a member of the KISS Army and collected the KISS cards.  I know that this was quite normal in 1977, but I am a girl and at that time I was an eight year-old girl.  It didn’t matter and I loved them more than almost anything in the world.  I can’t remember my first album, but I had them all. 

I feel completely and totally in love with the song Beth.  I still love the song.  It is a simple lyrical song, but it is passionate and beautiful.  It’s about a musician who is trying to explain that he can’t come home to her now.  The band is working on a song and they “just can’t find the sound”.  He is conflicted between Beth and his music.  He eventually chooses the music. 

I struggle with feelings, but music is a way that I have found to understand my feelings.  Peter Criss was brilliant is making such a simple song describing such a complex issue.  As an adult, I can completely understand the desire to be with someone you love, but making choices to follow the dream . . .

Follow the dream . . . Meredith

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