Ever Bought or Sold a Haunted House?

It that scary time of year. As I walk my puppy thru the neighborhood, almost every home is decorated for Halloween.  We like to be scared..that’ why my favorite author is Stephen King.

Since we live and breathe houses as Realtors®, we often hear about haunted houses.  The  HGTV website FrontDoor just poseted a website on ‘Real Life Haunted Houses’.  They discuss seven haunted houses. 

  1. Chelsea Hotel, New York City
  2. Winchester Mystery House
  3. Cassadago, Fl
  4. The White House
  5. Myrtles Plantation, St. Francesville, La
  6. Salem, Ma
  7. Amityville, New York

My favorite haunted place (note favorite author above) is The Stanley located in Estes Park Co.. The theory is that hotel was the basis for Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’.

Check out this video-

Let us know if you know of any ‘Real Life Haunted Houses’ in Katy TX.

Posted in Community, Current Affairs, Events, The state of Real Estate | 1 Comment

It’s Time To Vote!

As citizens of the United States we have the right to vote……we did not always have that right, it was a hard fight.  Let’s make sure that we all excercise our right this mid-term election.

It’s especially important this year in Katy Texas.  Katy Independent School District has presented a Bond Referendum for our up or down vote.

What is in the bond package?
The bond package is composed of several projects and includes funding for items such as the construction of three elementary, one junior high and one high school; comprehensive renovations at five of the district’s oldest campuses including Katy, Taylor, and Mayde Creek High Schools, as well as West Memorial and Mayde Creek Junior High Schools; and more than 50 component replacement projects at several campuses.

For all the details, check it out…..

Posted in Community, Current Affairs, Events, Katy Tradition, KISD | Leave a comment

Last Minute Halloween Costumes

A Hershey Kiss
A Hershey Kiss

Time is running out ……..do you have a costume?  No, well here are some ideas. There is a cool article on FoxNew.com full of good suggestions.

According to Fox, ‘There are five cardinal rules of picking a Halloween costume. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…’

  1.  Abstract Is for Paintings
  2. Pockets, Zippers and Other Modern Conveniences
  3. Sarcasm Is the Lowest Form of Wit
  4. Duct Tape Has 4,748,901 Uses (and Counting
  5. Day of the Dead Decorum

See Full Article

For costume ideas:  Jump to a costume: iPod Commercial | Hershey’s Kiss | Clark Kent | Jellybeans | Mummy | Jellyfish | Spam Monster | Sudoku

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For Meredith

 Thanks Ken Brand for sharing with all your FB friends.

Posted in Events, Fun & Relaxation | 1 Comment

October Housing Trends Report

Where are we going, what is the market doing?  View the report below for current trends. Included is video by Ted Jones on ‘How to Reduce Property Taxes’

October Housing Report

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