Meredith’s Moments

Meredith's Moments

What is there to say? Who am I? Who cares? I was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas. I fled to Texas the day after I graduated from high school. My high school education included “conservative-thought” history, “free-market” economics training and religion, which meant that I was destined to be, frustrated my entire adult life. The move to Texas was a complete culture change!! YeeHaa Y’all!! I went to Baylor University, in Waco, Texas, for a year and a half and realized I was not “emotionally equipped” to be at a liberal arts university. I left college for a stint in ReHab. It was the “proper” next step for someone who was educated to believe in an economic and political thought that seems to be completely nonexistent to the masses. After a few years of the ReHab road, I moved permanently to Phoenix, Arizona where I meant my ex-husband. While in Arizona, I continued to indulge myself in political thought through talk radio, CNN, Fox News, college classes and books. The books included the normal garbage that you get from the “elite” politicians of today, the Federalist papers, and of course “Uncle Miltie” Milton Friedman. But, I still was having trouble relating to the rest of the world. In the midst of all of this, I started having babies. I eventually gave birth to four children while in Arizona. In 2001, we moved to Texas. I had my last son in 2003 and was divorced in 2005. I have been raising the children alone and working as a Realtor for the last three years. I have been fairly isolated the last few years and find that when I vent about what is going on with me that many people are clueless. So I have concluded that it must just be the rants of a crazy woman. So, in order, to keep my sanity I have turned to blogging. I can’t be the only crazy woman out there!!!!

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