Ever Bought or Sold a Haunted House?

It that scary time of year. As I walk my puppy thru the neighborhood, almost every home is decorated for Halloween.  We like to be scared..that’ why my favorite author is Stephen King.

Since we live and breathe houses as Realtors®, we often hear about haunted houses.  The  HGTV website FrontDoor just poseted a website on ‘Real Life Haunted Houses’.  They discuss seven haunted houses. 

  1. Chelsea Hotel, New York City
  2. Winchester Mystery House
  3. Cassadago, Fl
  4. The White House
  5. Myrtles Plantation, St. Francesville, La
  6. Salem, Ma
  7. Amityville, New York

My favorite haunted place (note favorite author above) is The Stanley located in Estes Park Co.. The theory is that hotel was the basis for Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’.

Check out this video-

Let us know if you know of any ‘Real Life Haunted Houses’ in Katy TX.

About Smith Family Team, Realtors

We're a Mother/Daughter real estate team associated with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene, Katy Tx.
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1 Response to Ever Bought or Sold a Haunted House?

  1. JB says:

    While I have not sold or bought a Katy home that was haunted, I leased one.

    It was in Westlake (N. Fry Road/Franz) and to say the least, we didn’t stay long. We were there 4 months and ended up having to break our lease (which we’ve NEVER done previously). I was nothing but uncomfortable there, and scared witless. Horrible home.

    I finally asked the landlord (who used to live there with his family) if any disclosures were made to him when he bought the home as far as deaths, etc. and he said no. Said that his wife was there often alone as he worked nights and never experienced anything. He was a Honduran man, and while the dialect was fairly good, I wonder if a) there was a communication barrier between us, or b) if he was lying. My 16 year old (who was 9 at the time) STILL talks about that house.

    As we were moving, a young couple stopped in front of the house and asked if the house was available. I told her that I would put her in touch with the landlord (after all, I felt horrible about breaking the lease and wanted to help him out), which I did. The couple, the landlord and my husband and myself met there the next day, they ended up loving the home and leasing it. I had given her my number initally so that I could contact her when the landlord set up that meeting.

    Fast forward a few weeks… I got a call one day from the new tenant asking me if I’d ever experienced anything “strange” there. Floored, I said “Yes, a few things here and there” (not wanting scare her) and asked her why. She told me about a few things, and we ended up hanging up.

    Fast forward a month… Got a call from the landlord asking if I knew the couple. Told him no, asked why, and he said that they hadn’t made contact with him, he went there, and they had moved and left a lot of belongings.

    So now I know I wasn’t dreaming things up. Very weird, frightening home.

    Happy to share more – feel free to email me.


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